Get Involved by Supporting Us

The ASO’s history and passion for performing high quality free concerts has contributed to the cultural fabric of Auckland for 50 years.  By supporting the orchestra, you will ensure that the people of Auckland can continue to enjoy orchestral performances in the future. We are very grateful for the support from grant funders and other generous supporters.

Your investment supports the core values of the ASO, inspiring joy through accessible orchestral music, and safeguarding the future of the orchestra. 

The ASO is a registered charity CC42384 and is an IRD-registered Donee Organisation for tax credits on donations.

Make a Donation

The ASO accepts one off and regular donations. Your donation can be made directly to ASO's bank account 12-3066-0059164-00 or via our donor portal (button below). For direct donations please email the treasurer with your details if you would like a tax receipt.

Other Great Ways to support the ASO

Support us by attending our concerts - it is thrilling for our players to present their concerts to a full hall.
Sign up to receive our newsletters - know about our concerts in advance. Click here to sign up.
Sponsor us - our costs are significant. Support in the following particular areas is sought:

Become a Sponsor

  • Sponsor the Guest Conductor for a concert series
  • Dry, secure storage space for our music library and some instruments
  • Truck hire to transport our percussion equipment to rehearsals and concerts
  • Local newspaper advertising
  • Promotion of concerts

Please contact us if you can support us in this way.

Legacy - Leave a gift for the future

Leaving a gift in your Will is one of the most lasting gifts you can make.  It will safeguard the orchestra and live performances for future music lovers.  By making this lasting commitment, you will be leaving your own musical legacy for future generations to enjoy.

Making a bequest is very easy as all you have to do is include an appropriate clause in your Will. A Will ensures your wishes are met in relation to the distribution of your assets it also helps to avoid confusion over your intentions and gives you peace of mind.

A bequest has a number of advantages as:

  • It is not payable until death so it does not affect your assets or cash flow during your lifetime.
  • It is private as your will is not filed or made public until your death.
  • It is revocable as you can change the provisions in your will or trust at any time until death.

Your solicitor can assist you in making a bequest which can be any of the following:

  • A specified sum of money.
  • A percentage of your estate.
  • The residue of your estate.
  • Specified property or assets.

A simple form of bequest that can be used by anyone wishing to bequeath money for the benefit of the Auckland Symphony Orchestra is:

I give the sum of $……to the Auckland Symphony Orchestra Inc. Without imposing a binding trust, I ask that these funds be used for the benefit of ___________. A receipt appearing to my Trustee to be given on behalf of the Auckland Symphony Orchestra Inc. will be a complete discharge to my Trustee for the gift.”